Furry Tales 🐶: Chocolate, the celebrity Daschund of Greenwood

Ekta Chadda, Greenwood#
Ahh! It's chocolate which is craved by everyone.

She's snoring hard and I've begun too in sleep as certified by my folks of late!
She's salt and pepper with her otherwise sun-kissed tanned  like coat. 
Myself am simultaneously graying too!
She's on a prescribed diet,meds as she turns a geriatric 12 dog years this month.
I am inching slowly and steadily towards that journey too!

As I cursed ,the never ending snowfall,peeking out of my cloudy window,I could see a man and his dog brave their way in a six inch snowfall ,for a doggie relieve walk,I was happy that I was not outdoor unnecessary and Thank God I did not have a pet in the merciless inclement weather  in my Do All yourself ,self-serve American life.


Little did I know ,I was Granted a reverse wish and  very soon at that.

Phew! Just That evening my husband drove home ,with a "Suprise for you Baby !" unraveling the carton box ,so quickly,  taking full advantage of my Caucasian Padosan who had dropped in for  cardamom CHAI.


I was so mad ,a  tornado,in me by then  in my head and heart ,while my friend still gushing and coy at the act of this all....I couldn't even explode!
I  was yeah,I know ,Ohh ok, had to so restrain my Punjabi ,aiming a rolling pin like anger,and act ,O, so  decently in her presence.
But I don't want a Dog,my hands are full,but this God Damn brown mouse ,by then running around and my son too excited ,came and halted on my feet and licked,while I still ignored it,my temper still hot and cold ,in front of my neighbour. 
Awwwww,the Baby is hungry, Ekta  and had me to forcibly turned my sight towards, ,what I dreaded to bring home...the most serenading eyes,a tiny whinning sound,out of a ping pong ball sized creature,just separated a few hours from her mother,compelling. 
My husband jumped out of nowhere  again and bought out her food pack,all handy and well prepared that he was. 

I was helpless,as to feed her  as expected of an Indian mummy hospitality.
Lapping it with lightning speed ,she ran wagging her miniature stature and fell asleep on my warm socked feet.She appeared like a Auburn most beautiful Doll, i had ever seen.

Chocolate, yes that is what we named her,had chosen us !
She chose to Bring enormous happiness, a brighter, better and an elevated childhood in my only son's life. Brother and sister, as they were united in sleep, ate together, she never failed to accompany him, every single day of his schooling life...and sat through his homework too, I think she loved Math the most....as she would listen very attentively with him on the monitor lessons at home.

Now, that her Bro is away from home pursuing college, she's chosen to give me company in Ageing together.
That's Chocolate, the celebrity Daschund of Greenwood who's extremely popular in the neighbourhood, especially the community school children, who rush smiling, at her sight, thus addressing her, the sausage dog, puppy, kutty, cutie and my beautiful gentle baby, continues to be loved and craved for her most Docile and serene Doggo ways in the neighbourhood.
She's inspired so many homes with single children to bring home doggos like her, she's banished fear in Dog fearing humans by her very gentle and calm nature.

No wonder ,she's really Chocolate, as her name goes craved by the Young and Old!


  1. Ekta, Thanks for sharing the sweet tale of Chocolate! 👍👌


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