Furry Tales ๐Ÿถ: Meet Mr.Buster Boy!

Kavitha Giri, Birchwood#

Anybody who knows me would think I have always been an animal lover and love pets. 

I will start this note…. Absolutely NO… If I hear any dog bark from three streets away or even from behind huge walls I used to run for life as if I’m chased by death chasing me with 4 legs and a tail with its mouth wide open and its tongue hanging out !!!๐Ÿ• I would refuse to go to school walking if I hear a dog barks from anywhere, not necessary that I should even see them to get scared. This was me when I was a kid. My mom is a very compassionate lady, she doesn’t kill even mosquitoes she will only shoo them away even today. She worked around my fear, and she slowly got me out of this phobia. Every week she would get home a cat or a dog or even a bird from her friends place just to make me feel that they don’t harm anyone if you don’t harm them and given them a sense of Safety so that they can trust human. 

Only when I became 5 years old, she accomplished her mission. I have jumped inside a huge water tank and got drowned because I saw a cow๐Ÿฎ, (long story short) in fact the cow saved me from drowning. So added to animals was water, so water phobia got added to the list. My parents made sure I got out of that fear too. 

At one point I have had 16 kittens ๐Ÿ˜ธat home. That’s the time Giri came with his parents to finalise our wedding date, we had to get all the cats off the sofa to make some place for them to sit. ๐Ÿคฃ All of them were adopted from the streets, saved from the dogs, hit by vehicles on the road…

By the way Mr. Giri is someone who doesn’t approve of having “animals” at home. 

It all started with my younger son Pranay who wanted a pet. Giri is petrified by any animal why even small insects ๐Ÿž , lizards ๐ŸฆŽ , cockroaches ๐Ÿชณ. my boys and I are  exactly the opposite. Not scared of any of them. 

At 2011 July is when we won 3 against one in voting to get a pet home✌. That’s how we added another member (a pup) to our family and Pranay named him as BUSTER. We lovingly call him BUSTU BOY. 

All the boys at home are called ad daddy boy, Adi Boy, Pranu boy and our Bustu Boy with their Mumma Girl. Giri loves buster today. 

He makes sure he is in aright place is we have to travel. Leaving him I have not travelled till this time. He is almost 12 years now. Only at this time I have travelled for a month because I had to visit my two-legged boys. Thanks to Anjana who took care of him so well. 

Sad buster when Adarsh went away for higher studies

He has taught many many things which we human miss out. We say mothers are unconditional but I’ll rewrite this saying only dogs love is unconditional. We human In Some way or the other will expect something in return from our children. God created  these souls purely from his heart. 

Buster waits for all of us to get back home he will wait lying right near the main door till all of us get back. He has taught love needs no words, few barks in different modulation is more than enough to communicate.

I can keep going on n on n on about our Bustu boy, he has and is still sharing his love just like the way when I got him home. He was then only 28 days old baby. 

He is still a baby. He is such a gentle soul. My moms best companion he is. Both the oldies take nap together. They miss each other very badly. They share a very special bond that my mom doesn’t bother about any of us. ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก

Many funny moments I’ll share the next time when I get a chance.

Love has no words one smile for human to human ans a loving bark from a dog to human is more than enough. ๐ŸงกBest regards!


  1. Wow kavitha .... loved it .. if i read this kids then .... i thinknu can complete the sentence ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Mr.Buster, a man boy huh?
    Kavitha, it was a captivating story on the times & travails of Mr.Buster! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘


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