Twitcher - Birding & Beyond : Wreathed Hornbill

By ArunKumar, Bridgewood

Wreathed Hornbill, Namdapha National Park

The second largest National Park in india is unique in many ways and a ecosystem of its own. The Rain forests start from low altitudes reaching up to very high altitudes. The lush green forest and snow capped mountains decorate the landscape which hosts a wide range of flora and fauna. We camped at Deban eco camp for 4 days birding for about 15 kms uphill every day and the road back to the plains. Every turn  was holding some surprises and there never was a dearth for adrenaline rush. Sometimes the majestic Hornbills or the  raptors occupying the top most perch of the forest canopy or the  beautiful and colorful terrestrial birds that kept us on our heels. Every call was music to our ears as our guide walking slowly catching up on the faintest of the calls and leading us to the bird . It was a challenge to sight the bird in the dense shrubs,  many so shy that all they gave us were a few seconds to click them.
Namdapha is known to host 5 species of the Hornbills and it was a wish to sight all the 5 in this trip . Four of them would be lifers for me and should say we were lucky enough to see all the five species in this trip . Most sought after in this trip was the Wreathed Hornbill as it was a rarity in most other parts but had made this their home. We sighted these beautiful birds on almost all days though photography options were less coz of the erratic weather. The rain and fog were playing peek a boo and the most important element The Sun was kept out of the game. The very sighting of these majestic birds were soul satisfying . A perfect Birding trip laced with all the emotions making it memorable and one to be cherished lifelong.


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