Unbound Expeditions : A trip to Big Sur, California

#By Dhaya I Truman, A trip to Big Sur, California

Big sur is located in the most scenic highway CA 1,  approximately 200 kms from Fremont, CA where we reside then.  It was a planned day trip for leisure and good food. Big sur is sparsely populated and have good places for hiking and camping.

Started early morning on a Saturday, travelled along with 3 friends. Our first stop was at River Inn restaurant Big sur. The restaurant is famous for its Adirondack chairs in the river. The landscaping was beautifully maintained leading to the river.

Crystal clear water

The water is crystal clear, and the stream flow is gentle, smooth, and chill. The water was only ankle deep, we were wading in the water for more than an hour. Siting in the chair in a river was a magnificent experience, which was surrounded by lush green forest.

Adirondack chairs in the river

Had the opportunity to enjoy the lunch sitting in the Adirondack chairs with the flow of water caressing the legs.  It’s an unforgettable destination, and the feel of wading through the water is still fresh in the memory.



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