Pencil and Shading Artwork by Sanjana

#by Sanjana Paramaguru (Grade 5), Amalfi

My passion for Art began ever since I was 5 years old. The journey I’ve been through had some Ups & Downs. I had felt that human emotions and nature communicate with me.

So I wanted to communicate with them through my Art.It brings happiness to a person and helps to enhance concentration power.Our imaginations can be brought to the world through artworks.A life without art is colorless.

 ‘’A single art piece has a thousands of words to communicate with you’’

 This quote shows how an art piece communicates with you and spreads awareness.

 For example: 

This art is trying to create awareness to stop pollution because pollution can affect our earth so it is our responsibility to keep it away from us. Not only does it communicate with us it also ‘’Increases Creativity’’. The more time you spend on creating an art piece, the more creativity you add on. It also evokes human emotion. For example, when you do art which is full of blue paint, it talks about how sad you are because generally blue is meant for depression. Similarly each color has its own meaning. 

I hope my article created some inquisitiveness towards art and created inspiration. Sharing with you here are some of my artworks: 


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