Words of Thoughts

by Jayalakshmi, Amalfi

Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts, Words, words, and words.

So many of them keep jumping around in my head. They have no place to settle down. They want to jump and come out. So I try to catch them and fling them on to the paper, so that I can rest in peace as my head starts clearing up to make space for yet another set of Words and Thoughts.

Let me try to assemble these jumbled thoughts and words to make them interesting and readable!

My First Attempt.

Let me think what I should tell my eagerly awaiting audience.

A story! -or A Tip A Day- or some Quirky Topic.......




I heard from somewhere that the

RIGHT Side of the Brain is a 'Dreamer' and the LEFT Side is a

'Logical Thinker '.



I was wondering if it is possible that half our brain tells us something and the other half pulls us down. But my own experiment and experience made me draw the same conclusion.

When my alarm went off in the morning and I was sleeping on the Right side, my hand would switch it off. My Mind would say 'let me sleep for some time. I will surely get up in a few minutes’; but soon I would drift off to sleep to finish my dream.

Again, if I am sleeping on my LEFT side and hear the alarm my Mind would also become alert and say, ‘Time to get up 'and I would get out of the bed. I tried this experiment several times and arrived at the same conclusion.!

Thinking logically brings about Results; but Dreaming only Procrastinates our work.

Let's dream Big on the RIGHT Side and work out the Dream practically from the LEFT Side. Both are necessary for us to reach our maximum potentiality. Try it out and let me know your endeavours.

Shall post some more weird topics when my Mind permits.


  1. Requesting your kind mind to permit you to write more on some more interesting topics, Jayalakshmi! Thank you!


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